Media Evaluation
1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge form and conventions of real media products?
The media product we have developed and constructed by researching real media products and comprised to the style of them. We had further developed them as we continued research. We used Photoshop to produce the movie poster and film magazine cover; we had to follow conventions of researched real media products and apply them to the poster and cover in our own way and style. I had taken pictures appropriate for the genre of the film trailer and applied them to the ancillary text and trailer. We had trouble with choosing actors as their schedules weren’t right for when we were planning to film, but managed to find our final actor for the footage and have used them for our poster and magazine cover, we originally chose to use a year 10 student but couldn’t because of his timetable so we used my brother who is year 8 he wasn’t as mature and as big as the original actor but has been cooperative and sensible whilst we’ve been filming and has listened well and done what he has been told to do, and has been successful in our filming of the trailer.
For our movie poster we stuck to using conventions of real life media products. The conventions I had to consider were sound, voiceover, music, shot types, transitions, plot (chronological), use of actors, costumes, props, locations and title. The movie poster that we chose as a group followed these conventions in the construction and finalisation of the movie poster.
The image we used had to grab the audience’s attention as well as the colour theme and billing block. The image we used was a large central image of our main character we used for the trailer, we considered costume and effects when we used the image and manipulated it to suit the theme of the poster. We used a mid-shot for the picture as it shows enough of his costume which was school uniform whilst showing the expression and effect on the face of the character.
The title that was used is bold and stands out. The font that was used was simple and white but an effect was added to it which was blood, this helped the title stand out and apply to the genre of our project.
We used a simple colour theme which was white and red font on a black background and then we added background effects such as blood and then the brighter cloudy effect around the image. Additional changes were made such as the addition of stars, quotes, and a tagline which is big and red and is under the title.
The image we used had to grab the audience’s attention as well as the colour theme and billing block. The image we used was a large central image of our main character we used for the trailer, we considered costume and effects when we used the image and manipulated it to suit the theme of the poster. We used a mid-shot for the picture as it shows enough of his costume which was school uniform whilst showing the expression and effect on the face of the character.
The title that was used is bold and stands out. The font that was used was simple and white but an effect was added to it which was blood, this helped the title stand out and apply to the genre of our project.
We used a simple colour theme which was white and red font on a black background and then we added background effects such as blood and then the brighter cloudy effect around the image. Additional changes were made such as the addition of stars, quotes, and a tagline which is big and red and is under the title.
We again had to follow conventions of real life media products and apply them to our ancillary texts. Our group movie poster followed a specific colour scheme of red and white similar to the movie poster. The masthead that we used was big and bold and white and was a simple font.
The masthead stands out on the cover therefore grabs the audience’s attention, we had considered different mastheads and picked our final one which looked the best and suited the scheme of the cover. The other font we used was for the left hand side third and the right hand side, these were subheadings and text for what would be inside the magazine, the text that we used for these were simple and alternated from white and red to suit the theme of the cover.
The main image that was used was similar to the one that we used for the poster; it wasn’t as manipulated for the magazine cover as it didn’t have to show the characteristics of the person but what was in the magazine and who it was. We again considered costume for the character, and this was school uniform so we used this costume on the front cover.
The effects used on the magazine cover were blood effects scattered around the cover behind text to make it stand out more, the background that was used was a dark background which was one colour and made the covers content stand out.
The masthead stands out on the cover therefore grabs the audience’s attention, we had considered different mastheads and picked our final one which looked the best and suited the scheme of the cover. The other font we used was for the left hand side third and the right hand side, these were subheadings and text for what would be inside the magazine, the text that we used for these were simple and alternated from white and red to suit the theme of the cover.
The main image that was used was similar to the one that we used for the poster; it wasn’t as manipulated for the magazine cover as it didn’t have to show the characteristics of the person but what was in the magazine and who it was. We again considered costume for the character, and this was school uniform so we used this costume on the front cover.
The effects used on the magazine cover were blood effects scattered around the cover behind text to make it stand out more, the background that was used was a dark background which was one colour and made the covers content stand out.
For the trailer we again stuck to conventions of our researched trailers and used these to apply it to our genre which was horror. We used effects and shots that were suitable for this genre. We had used fake blood for one shot for our trailer which was a useful prop and our only prop. We had recorded all of our footage on camera but had to change the background actors several times as we had trouble getting them out of their timetables and we had finished our drafts and final trailer with actors who were suitable for the part and were very cooperative and trustworthy.
We used different software to test our trailer but our final choice was FinalCut as this was easier to use and was effective. Like real trailers we used effects in our trailer like close ups, background effects, transitions and text, whilst using text we considered the font and style so it would suit the genre. A storyline plan was created and we followed it during the planning of the trailer, we decided to use a school related horror, as it was in school that we did filming and the actor was in school uniform, and because he is in year 8 we chose an innocent looking character which we got the idea from our researched trailers (‘The orphan’ and ‘Let me in’). We looked at these trailers in general and followed their conventions in order for our trailer to follow the horror theme. For the trailer and from our research we used additional conventions such as credits for the trailer and the company logo which was created in Adobe AfterEffects and added to the trailer.
We used different software to test our trailer but our final choice was FinalCut as this was easier to use and was effective. Like real trailers we used effects in our trailer like close ups, background effects, transitions and text, whilst using text we considered the font and style so it would suit the genre. A storyline plan was created and we followed it during the planning of the trailer, we decided to use a school related horror, as it was in school that we did filming and the actor was in school uniform, and because he is in year 8 we chose an innocent looking character which we got the idea from our researched trailers (‘The orphan’ and ‘Let me in’). We looked at these trailers in general and followed their conventions in order for our trailer to follow the horror theme. For the trailer and from our research we used additional conventions such as credits for the trailer and the company logo which was created in Adobe AfterEffects and added to the trailer.
Final Trailer
2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
I combined my ancillary text with my trailer which both applied to the horror genre. The text and the trailer were aimed at our target audience which we chosen from our audience research. The ancillary text applies to the horror genre that I chose for the trailer and theme of the Photoshop work. I had tried different fonts and images for the ancillary text and chosen my final decision which ensembles the horror category. In the cover and poster I decided to stick to the theme to make it stand out and presentable, I didn’t alternate colours too much and used the same colours but assorted them around throughout the cover and poster. The magazine cover and poster both follow the same theme and are similar in relation to font, colour scheme and the image used. The trailer then had to follow the theme of the ancillary text, which was the costume and the genre and the actor that we used for the movie poster and magazine cover. The magazine cover and poster are effective as they anticipate the audience for the trailer which is good and what works with real life media products. The way in which we used a tagline was useful as it also anticipated the audience for the trailer, the tagline we chose was “Death Follows him”, we chose this as it would lead the audience into wanting to know the character and the story therefore they would watch the trailer and would be drawn into the ancillary text.
3. What have you learned from your audience research?
We have researched magazines, trailers and posters that support the horror genre as that is the genre we decided to use for our trailer and magazine and film poster, by looking at these we were able to plan what we were going to do and how we were going to construct it. We also got our storyline idea from the trailers we looked at which were ‘The Orphan’ and the film ‘Let Me In’, which gave us inspiration for the construction and planning of our final magazine cover, poster and trailer.
From our audience research we knew how to target our specified audience and what to do to keep our audience interested in relation to the trailer, the magazine cover and the movie poster. We had produced questionnaires which were completed by 10 different people and then we summarised our results to help us learn what our specific audience looks for in trailers, covers and posters for our genre; horror, and how often they would see trailers by visiting the cinema often. With our audience research we decided to follow the horror genre as it was popular, with films like paranormal activity, the ring etc. We decided to use the research to find a target market and this was teens 15+ as they are the ones who most watch horror films and attend the cinema, and this was the age group we asked for our research and planning.
4. How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluating stages?
In these stages we used several new media technologies that were new, we used Adobe Photoshop which we are used to and used for our poster and magazine cover and for the trailer we used Windows movie maker for our first draft of filming. In order to our last version of our trailer we would have to use FinalCut on the Apple Macs which is new and we haven’t used it before.
For our audience research we used Microsoft Excel in order to do the graphs for the results of the questionnaires so we could get the results of these so we could find out how often they attended the cinema and how often they would watch trailers. Unlike our AS media we have not used Adobe InDesign as we have only created front cover for a magazine and a film poster. We have learned new techniques in Photoshop that were used on the construction of the ancillary text, these were tools such as brushes, effects and colouring tools to manipulate the images and text used on the cover and poster. We also used new cameras and tools in order to do our filming. We had created a planned shot list which was followed and we knew what shots and angles that we had to use, several shots were used including Establishing shots, two shots, midshots and long shots we had also used sound in our trailer. Adobe Aftereffects was also used for improvements to the trailer and was also used for the construction of the company logo which was added to the trailer, which is a new media technology that we used.
Audience Feedback Questionnaire