Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Audience research/results graphs.

Movie Genre Questionnaire

·        How old are you?  ______

·        Gender

      -Male                                            -Female

·        What film genre do you like best?

Horror                Thriller              Comedy         

Romantic Comedy              Action            War

Crime/Mystery               Sci-Fi              Spoof

(Please State if other) _________________________________

  • How often do you attend the cinema?

Once a week               Once a fortnight          

Occasionally               Once a month          


  • Do you like watching movie trailers?

Yes                No

  •  If Yes, which genre?

Horror                         Comedy                  Thriller

Romantic Thriller           Sci-Fi               Action

Crime/Mystery               Spoof             War


  • What do you like about film trailers?



                                                       Group Questionnaire

·        How old are you?

Person 1:17
Person 2:17
Person 3:18

·        Gender?

Person 1: Male
Person 2: Female
Person 3: Male

·        What Genre of film do you prefer?

Person 1: I like comedy films.
Person 2: I prefer Romcom films
Person 3: I like to watch horrors.

·        How often do you attend the cinema?

Person 1: Once a week, to see new films.
Person 2: Occasionally to see something I want to watch.
Person 3: Sometimes, depends what’s on.

·        Do you watch movie trailers?

Person 1: Yes, if I am on the internet or in cinema.
Person 2: When I go to the cinema I see them.
Person 3: I see them on TV and on the internet, and when I go to the cinema.

·        What genre of trailers do you like?

Person 1: Comedy trailers and thrillers, they make me want to see them.
Person 2: Romantic comedy trailers, I like them and build up to the film.
Person 3: Horror trailers, they really anticipate the film.

For the first Questionnaire, we asked 10 people about their favourite genre and here are our results, comedy was the faviroute choice but we decided to change from comedy to horror:

This is our second research question, we again asked 10 people, and recorded our results. Most people attended the cinema once a week therefore see trailers most of the time and know what to expect from a trailer and posters.

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